Marvel Avengers Can Not Die


    Marvel Avengers Can Not Die Hack With                             Cheat Engine

Download Cheat Engine 6.2 or 6.3 
Now Follow My Steps :

  1. Start marvel avengers , then start CE 6.2 and select task flashplayer for mozilla and google chrome.exe for chrome.
  2. Then start PVP , when match starts go to cheat engine and then go to file and add 2 scan tab it will help.
  3. Then scan aur agent and hero's life in separate tabs , wait for the enemy to hit you.
  4. When the enemy hits ur agent or your hero's then next scan it and u will get 3 values copy them to the address list and freeze them with space .
  5. After freezing your agent and your hero's life they will not die.
  6. Remember when 2 hero's of the enemy is dead and now you think that you definately gonna win this match then unfreeze your agent and hero's life. otherwise you will get combat validation error.


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